I overslept and missed Comic Con today, but that made time for me to join a meetup in the Boston Commons. While there, we set up for a picnic and nearby was this Medieval musical group. We asked them to come over and play for us and they graciously accepted.
As it turns out, pretty much every European society has had some variation of the bag pipe in its musical history. Minstrel Krampf (played by Dave Irish and accompanied by Suzette Malette
Played by Sioux Gerow) is seen below with his German bag pipe called the Doodle Sack, also called the Sack Fife.
It just goes to show that wherever you are, you can run into creative and talented geeks who will serenade you for tips. They can be found in the Commons on Sundays and will be playing at King Richard’s Faire this year. Their web site is http://www.diabolisinmusica.com/ where you can buy a CD of their music.
I know these guys! They ROCK!!
Rock is not adequate – they knock you over! When the full group is playing, they are shock and awe – and funny, too!