Archive for April, 2010
It has been surprisingly difficult to attract people to come see Evil Dead the Musical this Friday at MIT. Spring activities seem to trump singing zombies this weekend, but I remain optimistic that this will be a well-attended battle against evil.
I mean seriously! Chainsaws! Talking moose heads! Zombies! Singing!
This is the show’s last week, so hurry and call for tickets!
Unfortunately their version of Hit Girl was not very convincing, but a stop by the Kick-Ass promotional party at Kickass Cupcakes gave us a chance to sample free cupcakes and recall just how uncommonly good the treats at this Somerville shop are!
I don’t know if it was because the free stuff involved cupcakes, or because the guest star was supposed to be Hit Girl, but basically the only guys who came by were me and my friend (seen eating cupcakes). The asian girl in the group picture was sporting a Green Lantern ring, so I’m leaning toward lady comic fans…
I called, and the person on the phone was certain that there would be a party, promotional cupcakes themed for the movie, and “the girl from the movie” but she wasn’t sure if it was the real actor or someone dressed like the character.
*Note: This is an unsubstantiated rumor! I’ve been by their web site and couldn’t find any info on it, so if it’s close to real at all, there’s probably just a fan in a Hit Girl costume. Of course, maybe it’s more than that…
Thursday night @ Kickass Cupcakes
Meet Hit Girl from Kick-Ass…photo opps, swag and free Kickass Cupcakes!
6-8pm Davis Square
Davis Square
378 Highland Avenue
I overslept and missed Comic Con today, but that made time for me to join a meetup in the Boston Commons. While there, we set up for a picnic and nearby was this Medieval musical group. We asked them to come over and play for us and they graciously accepted. (more…)
The con is at capacity and those of us in line can only get in as people leave. If you were planning to go this weekend, come early Sunday, like at 9am.
An informal poll conducted in line suggests that very few of the people here went to either Pax East or Anime Boston. At least, few who would admit it…
One of the characteristics that distinguish geeks from other kinds of fans is the way they build and extend on the intellectual content they love. In this way, they’re kind of the intellectual property entrepreneurs of media, as can be seen below.
Yeah, yeah they’ll say. Pax got 60,000 attendees, but probably nobody noticed. For 72 hours in April, Anime Boston creates a spectacle around the Hynes Convention Center that nobody can avoid, no matter how much they avert their eyes.
In many ways, one might liken it to a gay pride event. Anime fans are encouraged to celebrate their love of Japanese cartoons, video games, and pop culture by dressing up and showing off. Anime Boston’s official attendee count is 17,000, making is significantly smaller than Pax East, but also putting it in the top ten for anime conventions nationally. From the picture below, you’ll see that while you may have missed that Pax was in town, there’s NO MISSING ANIME BOSTON. (more…)
Yesterday the biggest Anime Boston yet opened to the theme of Mad Science. It was crazy, it was weird, it was fun and musical and inspiring and wondrous. And there’s still time to go. Registration is open all day and the con goes all night long, so come downtown and don’t miss out!
It’s beginning. People have been gathering around the Hynes like the Black Orcs to Mordor. If PAX was the 2nd Age, then Anime Boston is the big-eyed, long-limbed, giant sword weilding 3rd age of geekdom for Boston. Heh. Mixed my genres a lot there.